By now most people know that ChatGPT can answer imprecise questions usefully and immediately. It provides answers with working code. Given a question posed independently can it come to a usable answer? I put it to the test.
We have a Telegram group of algorithmic traders. They’re a serious bunch: real HFT, working quants and the like. Grad students and recent grads trying to get into top firms.
Many of them code C++. The group has become one of the resources they use to get help with practical problems. A couple of days ago while waiting for the Eurostar to depart from Gare du Nord in Paris to London (where I’ll attend the C++ Meetup) a question came up on my phone:
“Hi guys, is there any way to automate the serialization of protobuf message? Like the following: C++ structs -> serialize to protobuf message struct -> send out to network”
I pulled up ChatGPT and posed it the question - cut and pasted.
Just as immediately as the answer always comes I had the reply:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cxxreflect/cxxreflect.hpp>
// Define the struct
struct MyStruct {
int a;
float b;
std::string c;
int main() {
// Get the reflection information for the struct
auto type = cxxreflect::get_type<MyStruct>();
// Open the output file
std::ofstream proto_file("MyStruct.proto");
// Write the package name
proto_file << "syntax = \"proto3\";\n\n";
proto_file << "message MyStruct {\n";
// Iterate over the fields of the struct
for (auto field : type.fields()) {
// Write the field type
proto_file << " " << field.type().name() << " ";
// Write the field name
proto_file << << " = ";
// Write the field tag number
proto_file << field.tag() << ";\n";
proto_file << "}\n";
return 0;
We all thought this was very cool. Basically we had an answer to the question.
But, I thought “Actually, better to do it in Python, right?”
So I typed that exact phrase into ChatGPT. In the back of my mind I thought “he” (I happen to think of “him” as a guy) might instead give me a solution for a Python version of the initial question - since I provided no additonal context.
Nah, he got me. After all, he’s known me for a loooong time (in nanoseconds).
from cppheaderparser import CppHeader
header = CppHeader("MyStruct.h")
struct = header.classes["MyStruct"]
# Open the output file
with open("MyStruct.proto", "w") as proto_file:
# Write the package name
proto_file.write("syntax = \"proto3\";\n\n")
proto_file.write("message MyStruct {\n")
# Iterate over the fields of the struct
for var in struct["variables"]:
# Write the field type
proto_file.write(" " + var["type"] + " ")
# Write the field name
proto_file.write(var["name"] + " = ")
# Write the field tag number
proto_file.write(str(var["index"]) + ";\n")
And this is exactly what the questioner needed. His problem is solved by ChatGPT.
General Google searches could have reached the same result - but an order of magnitude more slowly at least.
Microsoft’s $10 billion to integrate ChatGPT into Word, Excel and Bing etc is a bargain.